1. leaving langkawi to penang was not so fun. we were leaving by ferry. children were crying and shouting during the journey. so you can imagine how difficult and annoying the situation is. but then, ignorance is bliss...
2. it was my turn to drive back to penang..so i drove. it was ermm...scarry at first but when you are getting used with the road and car...the driving turns out to be smooth...heheh...driving in penang is different compared to driving in labuan.. you will experience the differences..here people speed..really speed...but in labuan...people take their time..
3. farah brought me to several places to have some good food, laksa at kuala kechai, pulut sambal is nice,mee udang at teluk kumbar..the thing that i will miss most is having good food with great company when i left for labuan...you guys are very lucky to live in peninsular malaysia!
4. i spent the whole day resting at farah's place. your aunties are kind..thank you very much for their hospitality. ..
5. i had wonderful holiday,great company,good food..and im looking forward to have another trip...well...cik farah, we managed this time, we ll do it for good next time eh..
OK aku tak ada hal... nanti ko gi sek khabarkan tentang mee udang tu biar terleleh air liur N segala air cikgu2 24 tu!!!!
heheh...pasni kita duduk diam2, simpan duit pastuh kita p la mana2 plak...pulau redang ka, pulau perhentian...banyak pulau lagi cik farah kat malaysia ni..
org tak terliur pun ngn mee udang tu...
aku cume jeles ngn korg yg slalu pi jalan2... tu jea...
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